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Shane Clester

SHANE CLESTER has been a professional illustrator since 2005. He currently lives in Florida with his wonderful wife and their two tots. When not illustrating, he can usually be found by his in-laws' pool.
Boxcar Children Step into Reading Boxed Set #1
I Am Elmo (Sesame Street)
I Am Big Bird (Sesame Street)
Trucks, Cars, and Things with Wings! (Sesame Street)
X-Men Little Golden Book (Marvel)
A Long Rest for Little Monsters! (Dungeons & Dragons)
The Way We Met (The Golden Girls)
The Super-Duper Magnet! (Sesame Street Mecha Builders)
Roll, Chickens, Roll! (Sesame Street Mecha Builders)
Elmo's Alphabet Fun (Sesame Street)
Meet the Marvels (Marvel)
Elmo's Best Thanksgiving Ever! (Sesame Street)
Spanish Is My Superpower! (Sesame Street)
¡El español es mi superpoder! (Sesame Street) (Spanish is My Superpower! Spanish  Edition)
Trouble in the Dream Dimension (Marvel: Doctor Strange)
Hawkeye Little Golden Book (Marvel: Hawkeye)
The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set #2 (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Lighthouse Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
This Is the Way (Star Wars: The Mandalorian)
Blue Bay Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Woodshed Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
Miles Morales (Marvel Spider-Man)
The Falcon (Marvel Avengers)
Mike's Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
Mystery Ranch (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Yellow House Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
Surprise Island (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Threat of Thanos (Marvel Avengers)


Boxcar Children Step into Reading Boxed Set #1
I Am Elmo (Sesame Street)
I Am Big Bird (Sesame Street)
Trucks, Cars, and Things with Wings! (Sesame Street)
X-Men Little Golden Book (Marvel)
A Long Rest for Little Monsters! (Dungeons & Dragons)
The Way We Met (The Golden Girls)
The Super-Duper Magnet! (Sesame Street Mecha Builders)
Roll, Chickens, Roll! (Sesame Street Mecha Builders)
Elmo's Alphabet Fun (Sesame Street)
Meet the Marvels (Marvel)
Elmo's Best Thanksgiving Ever! (Sesame Street)
Spanish Is My Superpower! (Sesame Street)
¡El español es mi superpoder! (Sesame Street) (Spanish is My Superpower! Spanish  Edition)
Trouble in the Dream Dimension (Marvel: Doctor Strange)
Hawkeye Little Golden Book (Marvel: Hawkeye)
The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set #2 (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Lighthouse Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
This Is the Way (Star Wars: The Mandalorian)
Blue Bay Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Woodshed Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
Miles Morales (Marvel Spider-Man)
The Falcon (Marvel Avengers)
Mike's Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
Mystery Ranch (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Yellow House Mystery (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
Surprise Island (The Boxcar Children: Time to Read, Level 2)
The Threat of Thanos (Marvel Avengers)

Dungeons & Dragons for Kids!

Introduce your kids to the world of D&D with our selection of children’s books! There a Little Golden Book (with another one releasing in January), titles related to the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie, and the Dungeons & Dragons Young Adventurer’s Guides which introduce young fans to some of the exciting characters, locations,

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Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer and Title List!

Over the holiday weekend Disney released the highly anticipated trailer for Season 3 of The Mandalorian.  If you haven’t had a chance to catch it, zip over to this link to give it a view.  Our favorite armored laconic mercenary is reunited with his surrogate child Baby Yo—Grogu, and together they are embarking on a

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Looking For A Little Gift? Get A Little Golden Book!

The holidays are upon us! With that comes the most massively tense time of the year: gift getting time. For a stocking stuffer sure to satisfy the smallest members of your family and social circles we suggest these titles from our Little Golden Book series. Little Golden Books are perfect for kids ages 2-5 and

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