A BATTLE IN ENEMY TERRITORY! When Kazama and the Game Dev., Club (Temp) get invited to the Seitachikawa Academy for Girls' charity bazaar, they figure it's a chance to relax and have fun. Nope! Turns out they were only invited so Takafudo, the leader of the Seitachikawa Academy game club, could challenge them to a rematch! Now Kazama and crew have to race against the clock to defeat an opponent almost as tricky as they are!
Tomoya Haruno is best known as the author and artist of D-Frag!, and has contributed to the Lucky Star anthology collections along with the Haganai Anthology Comic collections.
A BATTLE IN ENEMY TERRITORY! When Kazama and the Game Dev., Club (Temp) get invited to the Seitachikawa Academy for Girls' charity bazaar, they figure it's a chance to relax and have fun. Nope! Turns out they were only invited so Takafudo, the leader of the Seitachikawa Academy game club, could challenge them to a rematch! Now Kazama and crew have to race against the clock to defeat an opponent almost as tricky as they are!
Tomoya Haruno is best known as the author and artist of D-Frag!, and has contributed to the Lucky Star anthology collections along with the Haganai Anthology Comic collections.