A RACE TO REMEMBER! When Kenji joined the Game Development Club, he didn't realize what he was signing up for! The girls in the club are totally comfortable with threatening, blackmailing, and doing whatever it takes to compel Kenji to take part in their latest crazy scheme. While Kenji has pretty much resigned himself to his own fate, everything changes when the club tries to recruit his little sister Noe into its ranks. Can Kenji keep his innocent sister out of the fray? The hijinks get faster and furiouser!!
Tomoya Haruno is best known as the author and artist of D-Frag!, and has contributed to the Lucky Star anthology collections along with the Haganai Anthology Comic collections.
A RACE TO REMEMBER! When Kenji joined the Game Development Club, he didn't realize what he was signing up for! The girls in the club are totally comfortable with threatening, blackmailing, and doing whatever it takes to compel Kenji to take part in their latest crazy scheme. While Kenji has pretty much resigned himself to his own fate, everything changes when the club tries to recruit his little sister Noe into its ranks. Can Kenji keep his innocent sister out of the fray? The hijinks get faster and furiouser!!
Tomoya Haruno is best known as the author and artist of D-Frag!, and has contributed to the Lucky Star anthology collections along with the Haganai Anthology Comic collections.