"FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, THE POWER'S THE ONLY REAL FRIEND YOU'RE EVER GONNA HAVE." - ROBERT REYNOLDS The skill of the Iron Fist, the rage of the Hulk, and the might of the Sentry have all failed against Aeon the Knife. As Aeon prepares for his assault on Earth, Power Man must consider unleashing the final power available to him: the darkness of the Void. But is Luke Cage trading one monster for another?
"FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, THE POWER'S THE ONLY REAL FRIEND YOU'RE EVER GONNA HAVE." - ROBERT REYNOLDS The skill of the Iron Fist, the rage of the Hulk, and the might of the Sentry have all failed against Aeon the Knife. As Aeon prepares for his assault on Earth, Power Man must consider unleashing the final power available to him: the darkness of the Void. But is Luke Cage trading one monster for another?