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Christie Golden, author portrait

Christie Golden

Christie Golden is the award-winning New York Times bestselling author of nearly sixty books and more than a dozen short stories in the fields of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Her media tie-in works include her first novel, Vampire of the Mists, which launched TSR’s game line; more than a dozen Star Trek novels; the Fate of the Jedi novels Omen, Allies, and Ascension as well as standalone novels Dark Disciple and Battlefront II: Inferno Squad. For Blizzard Entertainment, she's contributed five StarCraft novels, including the Dark Templar trilogy, and the Warcraft/World of Warcraft books Lord of the Clans, Rise of the Horde, Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, War Crimes, Before the Storm and Exploring Azeroth: Eastern Kingdoms. In 2017, she was awarded the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers Faust Award and named a Grandmaster in recognition of thirty years of writing. She currently works full-time for Blizzard Entertainment, where she frequents Azeroth on a regular basis.
Dark Disciple: Star Wars
Sylvanas (World of Warcraft)
World of Warcraft: Before the Storm
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad (Star Wars)
Ascension: Star Wars Legends (Fate of the Jedi)
Allies: Star Wars Legends (Fate of the Jedi)
Omen: Star Wars Legends (Fate of the Jedi)

Inside the Book: Christie Golden (WORLD OF WARCRAFT: BEFORE THE STORM)

How Star Wars author Christie Golden went from reading Sci-fi to writing Sci-fi | authorcuts


Dark Disciple: Star Wars
Sylvanas (World of Warcraft)
World of Warcraft: Before the Storm
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad (Star Wars)
Ascension: Star Wars Legends (Fate of the Jedi)
Allies: Star Wars Legends (Fate of the Jedi)
Omen: Star Wars Legends (Fate of the Jedi)


Inside the Book: Christie Golden (WORLD OF WARCRAFT: BEFORE THE STORM)

How Star Wars author Christie Golden went from reading Sci-fi to writing Sci-fi | authorcuts

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