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Katherine Arden, author portrait
© Evan Lloyd Johnson

Katherine Arden

Katherine Arden is the New York Times bestselling author of the Winternight trilogy and the Small Spaces Quartet. In addition to writing, she enjoys aimless travel, growing vegetables, and running wild through the woods with her dog, Moose. She lives in Vermont.
The Warm Hands of Ghosts
Empty Smiles
Dark Waters
Dead Voices
The Winter of the Witch
Small Spaces
The Girl in the Tower
The Bear and the Nightingale

Meet the Author: Katherine Arden (THE WINTERNIGHT TRILOGY)


The Warm Hands of Ghosts
Empty Smiles
Dark Waters
Dead Voices
The Winter of the Witch
Small Spaces
The Girl in the Tower
The Bear and the Nightingale


Meet the Author: Katherine Arden (THE WINTERNIGHT TRILOGY)

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