Just as Batman seeks to save the soul of corrupted Gotham, and Superman defends Metropolis from villainous threats, we have been tasked with our own heroic mission: to save the Earth. Or rather, to save the Earth as we currently know it. Even in the worst-case scenario of climate change, this planet will far outlive us–processing our poisons and eventually birthing a new era of life. But if we wish for Earth to remain our home, with enough food to eat and places to live and oceans that haven’t become acidic fish graveyards, we will be compelled to act.
This Earth Day, we are asked both to be mindful of our individual carbon footprints as well as to identify opportunities to disrupt the systemic forces which continue to harm the planet and our way of life. To this end, we’ve highlighted titles across all ages that advocate for global collaboration for planetary change, appreciate nature’s bountiful wonders, terrify us with tales of eco-horror, and inspire us to get back in touch with the environment and the balance of life.