Fun with Sticker Books!

Before joining Penguin Random House I was a comic book store manager, and something I always found frustrating to order from my main distributors were sticker books. I would often get parent requests for these but always had difficulty looking for available stock or tracking new releases. But once I began ordering from Penguin, I discovered that they carried a lot of different products than just the Marvel comics that I had created the account to primarily order, including sticker books.

Once I began trying to order a few for my children’s area, I noticed steady sales. But there are so many types, that sorting through them can get time consuming on top of everything else going on in a typical week. So I’ve put together a highlight list for your use as needed. It includes a variety of sticker books, Marvel & DC characters, Star Wars, Disney, and other licensed characters. There’s a section of holiday-centric sticker books, options for both Halloween and the holidays are always good sales opportunities. There’s also a list of some of our other best-selling sticker books that perform very well for Penguin, for anyone who wants to branch out of their normal ordering zone.

Take a look if you’re interested. I think there are some nice looking items there that may serve as good impulse buys and options for little shoppers and non-comic buyers alike. I’ve attached the list as a spreadsheet and will paste here in the email below.
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