Noah's heartwarming coming-of-age story continues! Olivia finds a second ward in the mischievous young Mao, a beastkin like Noah who hails from the East. Though evasive and wary of Noah’s human guardian, Mao agrees to stay with them in order to teach Noah beastkin fighting techniques. Can this be merged with Olivia’s swordsmanship training to create something stronger, or will it only sow confusion and discord?
Taboengine is a creator of Japanese-language manga known for The Lady Knight and the Beast-Eared Child and Take Off Your Mask, Ishikawa.
Noah's heartwarming coming-of-age story continues! Olivia finds a second ward in the mischievous young Mao, a beastkin like Noah who hails from the East. Though evasive and wary of Noah’s human guardian, Mao agrees to stay with them in order to teach Noah beastkin fighting techniques. Can this be merged with Olivia’s swordsmanship training to create something stronger, or will it only sow confusion and discord?
Taboengine is a creator of Japanese-language manga known for The Lady Knight and the Beast-Eared Child and Take Off Your Mask, Ishikawa.