Miharu is whisked away from right under Knecht's invisible nose by Drosselmeyer, an enigmatic tinkerer who is one of the masterminds behind the construction of the Santa Claus House. He finds himself in Silent Night, a surreal space where the December 24th of that year is on a continuous loop, experiencing a world beyond his wildest dreams...! Discover Knecht's true intentions for recruiting Miharu to the Santa Claus House in this installment of the Black Christmas saga!
Hikaru Nakamura is an award-winning Japanese manga creator known for creating unique, fan-favorite series. She is best known for her hit manga Saint Young Men and Arakawa Under the Bridge, as well as her new series Black Night Parade, and their multimedia adaptations.
Miharu is whisked away from right under Knecht's invisible nose by Drosselmeyer, an enigmatic tinkerer who is one of the masterminds behind the construction of the Santa Claus House. He finds himself in Silent Night, a surreal space where the December 24th of that year is on a continuous loop, experiencing a world beyond his wildest dreams...! Discover Knecht's true intentions for recruiting Miharu to the Santa Claus House in this installment of the Black Christmas saga!
Hikaru Nakamura is an award-winning Japanese manga creator known for creating unique, fan-favorite series. She is best known for her hit manga Saint Young Men and Arakawa Under the Bridge, as well as her new series Black Night Parade, and their multimedia adaptations.