In his guise as electrified superhero Hikari-Man, young high school otaku Shirochi Hikari has taken care of most of his tormenters--but then the super-yoked upperclassman Daiya shows up at his house looking for revenge! Even if Hikari-Man can defeat him, does that make him a hero, or just a high-voltage bully in his own right?!
From the creator of cult hits Homunculus and Ichi the Killer comes a twisted new take on superhero sci-fi!
Hideo Yamamoto is a prolific manga creator in Japan best known for Ichi the Killer, Voyeur/Voyeurs, Inc., HIKARI-MAN, and Homunculus.
In his guise as electrified superhero Hikari-Man, young high school otaku Shirochi Hikari has taken care of most of his tormenters--but then the super-yoked upperclassman Daiya shows up at his house looking for revenge! Even if Hikari-Man can defeat him, does that make him a hero, or just a high-voltage bully in his own right?!
From the creator of cult hits Homunculus and Ichi the Killer comes a twisted new take on superhero sci-fi!
Hideo Yamamoto is a prolific manga creator in Japan best known for Ichi the Killer, Voyeur/Voyeurs, Inc., HIKARI-MAN, and Homunculus.