Lucy, Catria, and Lithisia embark on a mission to invade the Fire Tower. While facing off against the Mage King Farshinal in a grueling battle, Catria’s shovel powers awaken! With Alice and Alan’s towers already down, Pazuzu shows himself at last!
Yasohachi Tsuchise is a Japanese writer best known for The Invincible Shovel.
Renji Fukuhara is a Japanese manga writer and artist best known for manga series Rengoku Game, Rising x Rydeen, and The Invincible Shovel.
Hagure Yuuki is a Japanese illustrator best known for the illustrations and character designs in the light novel series The Invincible Shovel.
Lucy, Catria, and Lithisia embark on a mission to invade the Fire Tower. While facing off against the Mage King Farshinal in a grueling battle, Catria’s shovel powers awaken! With Alice and Alan’s towers already down, Pazuzu shows himself at last!
Yasohachi Tsuchise is a Japanese writer best known for The Invincible Shovel.
Renji Fukuhara is a Japanese manga writer and artist best known for manga series Rengoku Game, Rising x Rydeen, and The Invincible Shovel.
Hagure Yuuki is a Japanese illustrator best known for the illustrations and character designs in the light novel series The Invincible Shovel.