In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be connected to the mighty Iceblade Sorcerer of legend?
An addictive manga with a classic feel sure to appeal to fantasy and isekai fans alike, from the editorial team behind FAIRY TAIL 100 Years Quest and Shaman King: FAUST8.
The Butterfly Effect Under Ray’s tutelage, Amelia uses her Butterfly Bomb spell to emerge victorious against her rival Ariane at the Magicus Chevaliers, and chaos ensues. In a stunning upset, the underdog Lucas from Mercross defeats Arnold Academy’s star student Rebecca. The tournament concludes, but Lucas expresses intent to destroy his next target: Ray White, the Iceblade Sorcerer. Life at school goes on, but the Grim Reapers continue their plot to rage war. As Ray’s story unfolds, can he control his narrative to uphold his destiny to rule the world?
Nana Mikoshiba is the author of light novel series including Nana Seiken to Maken no Hime and Shijou Saikou no Tensai Renkinjutsushi wa Sorosoro Intai Shitai. Iceblade Sorcerer is the author's first work to receive an English release.
Norihito Sasaki is a manga artist whose previous credits include the one-shot manga LOVE THE WARZ and Megaton Punch. Iceblade Sorcerer is Sasaki's first full-length manga and English release.
Riko Korie is a manga illustrator and PC game animator.
In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be connected to the mighty Iceblade Sorcerer of legend?
An addictive manga with a classic feel sure to appeal to fantasy and isekai fans alike, from the editorial team behind FAIRY TAIL 100 Years Quest and Shaman King: FAUST8.
The Butterfly Effect Under Ray’s tutelage, Amelia uses her Butterfly Bomb spell to emerge victorious against her rival Ariane at the Magicus Chevaliers, and chaos ensues. In a stunning upset, the underdog Lucas from Mercross defeats Arnold Academy’s star student Rebecca. The tournament concludes, but Lucas expresses intent to destroy his next target: Ray White, the Iceblade Sorcerer. Life at school goes on, but the Grim Reapers continue their plot to rage war. As Ray’s story unfolds, can he control his narrative to uphold his destiny to rule the world?
Nana Mikoshiba is the author of light novel series including Nana Seiken to Maken no Hime and Shijou Saikou no Tensai Renkinjutsushi wa Sorosoro Intai Shitai. Iceblade Sorcerer is the author's first work to receive an English release.
Norihito Sasaki is a manga artist whose previous credits include the one-shot manga LOVE THE WARZ and Megaton Punch. Iceblade Sorcerer is Sasaki's first full-length manga and English release.
Riko Korie is a manga illustrator and PC game animator.