The new manga series from Kei Sanbe, the master of suspense behind Erased, plunges an innocent young boy into Tokyo's criminal underworld, as he fights to keep his younger sister alive, and to return his soul to his own body!
THE FINAL SHOWDOWN Reunited with Nagisa, Minato (in Kuromatsu's body) suddenly finds himself at the scene of a deadly clash between secret criminal mastermind Tsubaki and one of Tsubaki's fellow detectives. Futaba confirms beyond a doubt that something is terribly wrong with the Myojin boy, while Kuromatsu quietly tightens his grip on her, setting the stage for this exciting conclusion to Island in a Puddle!
Kei Sanbe is creator of the hit Erased, which was adapted into a popular live-action film and anime. Sanbe's latest work is Island in a Puddle, which is being released in English by Kodansha.
The new manga series from Kei Sanbe, the master of suspense behind Erased, plunges an innocent young boy into Tokyo's criminal underworld, as he fights to keep his younger sister alive, and to return his soul to his own body!
THE FINAL SHOWDOWN Reunited with Nagisa, Minato (in Kuromatsu's body) suddenly finds himself at the scene of a deadly clash between secret criminal mastermind Tsubaki and one of Tsubaki's fellow detectives. Futaba confirms beyond a doubt that something is terribly wrong with the Myojin boy, while Kuromatsu quietly tightens his grip on her, setting the stage for this exciting conclusion to Island in a Puddle!
Kei Sanbe is creator of the hit Erased, which was adapted into a popular live-action film and anime. Sanbe's latest work is Island in a Puddle, which is being released in English by Kodansha.