From director Yoko Taro and writer Jun Eishima comes this novel expanding upon the world of the critically acclaimed game NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
In the distant future, humanity struggles for survival against the threat of creatures called Shades. A boy named Nier lives with his little sister Yonah in one small village, scraping by on the goodwill of neighbors and friends.
When a terrible illness assails Yonah, Nier's life begins to change at a dizzying pace. Lunar Tears. The Black Scrawl. The Song of the Ancients. The Shadowlord. Petrification. These things and more will turn his world upside-down—and change it forever.
This is the first volume of NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... Project Gestalt Recollections, detailing the events leading from Nier's boyhood to his coming of age.
Jun Eishima was born in 1964 in Fukuoka Prefecture. Her extensive backlist includes stories set in the Final Fantasy, NieR, and Drakengard universes.Under the name Emi Nagashima, she has also authored The Cat Thief Hinako’s Case Files, among other works. In 2016, she received the 69th Mystery Writers of Japan Award (Short Story division), for the title "Old Maid."
Yoko Taro is the game director for the NieR and Drakengard series.
From director Yoko Taro and writer Jun Eishima comes this novel expanding upon the world of the critically acclaimed game NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
In the distant future, humanity struggles for survival against the threat of creatures called Shades. A boy named Nier lives with his little sister Yonah in one small village, scraping by on the goodwill of neighbors and friends.
When a terrible illness assails Yonah, Nier's life begins to change at a dizzying pace. Lunar Tears. The Black Scrawl. The Song of the Ancients. The Shadowlord. Petrification. These things and more will turn his world upside-down—and change it forever.
This is the first volume of NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... Project Gestalt Recollections, detailing the events leading from Nier's boyhood to his coming of age.
Jun Eishima was born in 1964 in Fukuoka Prefecture. Her extensive backlist includes stories set in the Final Fantasy, NieR, and Drakengard universes.Under the name Emi Nagashima, she has also authored The Cat Thief Hinako’s Case Files, among other works. In 2016, she received the 69th Mystery Writers of Japan Award (Short Story division), for the title "Old Maid."
Yoko Taro is the game director for the NieR and Drakengard series.