REGRETS Ranta flees desperately across Thousand Valley, pursued by Takasagi. Meanwhile, Haruhiro and his companions are struggling to cope with the death of one of their own when a chance at resurrection presents itself...for a price. How far will they go to get their friend back?
Ao Jyumonji is a Japanese author best known for the Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash light novels. Eiri Shirai is a Japanese manga artist best known for theillustrations in Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash.
REGRETS Ranta flees desperately across Thousand Valley, pursued by Takasagi. Meanwhile, Haruhiro and his companions are struggling to cope with the death of one of their own when a chance at resurrection presents itself...for a price. How far will they go to get their friend back?
Ao Jyumonji is a Japanese author best known for the Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash light novels. Eiri Shirai is a Japanese manga artist best known for theillustrations in Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash.