Servamp is an all-new action comedy manga series that focuses on a power struggle between vampires. TIME TO FACE THE MUSIC Shirota Mahiru and his battle-weary allies are planning their next move for taking down Tsubaki. Meanwhile, the city is abuzz over a famous pianist. To the world he’s “The Angel of Music,” but this musician’s attitude is as prickly as his hedgehog companion. When Tsubaki dispatches a servant to go after these newcomers, can Mahiru and Kuro intervene in time?
Servamp is an all-new action comedy manga series that focuses on a power struggle between vampires. TIME TO FACE THE MUSIC Shirota Mahiru and his battle-weary allies are planning their next move for taking down Tsubaki. Meanwhile, the city is abuzz over a famous pianist. To the world he’s “The Angel of Music,” but this musician’s attitude is as prickly as his hedgehog companion. When Tsubaki dispatches a servant to go after these newcomers, can Mahiru and Kuro intervene in time?