After a devastating battle with Te Kā, Moana’s worst fears are realized: the heart of Te Fiti is in ruins, Maui is frozen in volcanic rock, and darkness threatens to envelop her beloved home. Desperate to fix things, Moana stumbles upon an island already crumbling under the blight. All life is gone, save one sole survivor—a young woman named Noe.
Moana is relieved to find another wayfarer, even if this stranger is more than a little intimidating. Better still, Noe has an idea how to fix the heart: using the tears of Te Fiti, gems infused with the goddess’s essence. The catch? The tears are said to be scattered throughout the realm of monsters.
Banded together, Moana and Noe set a course for an impossible mission to find the powerful lost tears. Will Moana be able to restore the heart amid secrets and monsters? Or will the blight overtake everything Moana holds dear?
Keala Kendall is a hapa Native Hawaiian author of science fiction, fantasy and horror. She is the author of the forthcoming novel, How Far I’ll Go, writing for Disney’s New York Times bestselling A Twisted Tale series. She is one of the cofounders of Pacific Islanders in Publishing, and a past organizer for the Books for Maui charity auction.
After a devastating battle with Te Kā, Moana’s worst fears are realized: the heart of Te Fiti is in ruins, Maui is frozen in volcanic rock, and darkness threatens to envelop her beloved home. Desperate to fix things, Moana stumbles upon an island already crumbling under the blight. All life is gone, save one sole survivor—a young woman named Noe.
Moana is relieved to find another wayfarer, even if this stranger is more than a little intimidating. Better still, Noe has an idea how to fix the heart: using the tears of Te Fiti, gems infused with the goddess’s essence. The catch? The tears are said to be scattered throughout the realm of monsters.
Banded together, Moana and Noe set a course for an impossible mission to find the powerful lost tears. Will Moana be able to restore the heart amid secrets and monsters? Or will the blight overtake everything Moana holds dear?
Keala Kendall is a hapa Native Hawaiian author of science fiction, fantasy and horror. She is the author of the forthcoming novel, How Far I’ll Go, writing for Disney’s New York Times bestselling A Twisted Tale series. She is one of the cofounders of Pacific Islanders in Publishing, and a past organizer for the Books for Maui charity auction.