Tied to the very first full-length animated Star Wars series created for preschoolers and their families, set in the exciting new era of the High Republic!
In this Level 1 early reader, Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm, his Padawan Bell Zettifar, and Bell’s charhound, Ember, all visit the Jedi Temple on Tenoo. But when Ember gets out and Kai and Bell set out to find her, Kai struggles to stay calm and connected to the Force. Can Kai control his emotions enough to find Ember and prove he’ll make a great Padawan someday?
The World of Reading early readers are designed to offer reluctant readers books they will want to read by featuring stories about the characters they love from a galaxy far, far away.
Emeli Juhlin has been a book editor for over a decade. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter where she enjoys the lovely weather, writes whenever she can, and stays fueled by coffee and homemade baked goods.
Tied to the very first full-length animated Star Wars series created for preschoolers and their families, set in the exciting new era of the High Republic!
In this Level 1 early reader, Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm, his Padawan Bell Zettifar, and Bell’s charhound, Ember, all visit the Jedi Temple on Tenoo. But when Ember gets out and Kai and Bell set out to find her, Kai struggles to stay calm and connected to the Force. Can Kai control his emotions enough to find Ember and prove he’ll make a great Padawan someday?
The World of Reading early readers are designed to offer reluctant readers books they will want to read by featuring stories about the characters they love from a galaxy far, far away.
Emeli Juhlin has been a book editor for over a decade. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter where she enjoys the lovely weather, writes whenever she can, and stays fueled by coffee and homemade baked goods.