An engaging story of 45 magical years of Disney animation, featuring nearly 500 museum-quality, full-color pages and 1,000+ pieces of archival artwork and photos.
The corners of this smaller-than-typical coffee table book also serve as an animation flip-book celebrating Disney characters from the 1970s–2010s.
If your favorite Disney Princess is Moana or Ariel . . . if your favorite Disney magic comes from Aladdin’s Genie or Mama Odie . . . if your favorite Disney baddie is Hades or Professor Ratigan . . . then say, "thank you," to Ron Clements. (He says, “you’re welcome”.)
Ron Clements is a key filmmaker (along with co-writer and co-director John Musker) responsible for some of the most beloved animated Disney movies. Now he shares his 45-year history at Walt Disney Animation Studios. His armchair-worthy memoir meets coffee table art book is an honest & fun ride sure to delight every Disney fan!
Movies that Ron features in his book:
Moana (2016)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Treasure Planet (2002)
Hercules (1997)
Aladdin (1992)
The Little Mermaid (1989)
The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
The Fox and the Hound (1981)
Pete's Dragon (1977)
The Rescuers (1977)
Pinocchio (1940)
Ron shares Easter eggs, behind-the-scenes stories & fun facts about:
People who directly worked on & influenced the films
Research trips & selection of artists, voice cast & songwriters in preparation for the films
Screenwriting, character development & world-building processes
From storyboards, technical innovations, voice recording & animation to final frames
Early screenings (reaction to feedback & resulting changes)
Press tours, debuts, receptions, awards seasons & growing the Disney legacy
RON CLEMENTS decided he wanted to be a Disney animator at the age of 9 after seeing a rerelease of Pinocchio (1940) at a local theater in his hometown of Sioux City, Iowa. In 1974, at the age of 20, he was accepted into the recently-established Walt Disney Animation Studios Talent Development program, working under the tutelage of some of Disney’s top animators. He went on to become an animator on The Rescuers (1977), Pete’s Dragon (1977), and The Fox and the Hound (1981); a storyboard artist on The Black Cauldron (1985); codirector The Great Mouse Detective (1986); and in creative partnership with longtime collaborator John Musker, cowrote and codirected The Little Mermaid (1989), Aladdin (1992), Hercules (1997), Treasure Planet (2002), The Princess and the Frog (2009), and Moana (2016).
An engaging story of 45 magical years of Disney animation, featuring nearly 500 museum-quality, full-color pages and 1,000+ pieces of archival artwork and photos.
The corners of this smaller-than-typical coffee table book also serve as an animation flip-book celebrating Disney characters from the 1970s–2010s.
If your favorite Disney Princess is Moana or Ariel . . . if your favorite Disney magic comes from Aladdin’s Genie or Mama Odie . . . if your favorite Disney baddie is Hades or Professor Ratigan . . . then say, "thank you," to Ron Clements. (He says, “you’re welcome”.)
Ron Clements is a key filmmaker (along with co-writer and co-director John Musker) responsible for some of the most beloved animated Disney movies. Now he shares his 45-year history at Walt Disney Animation Studios. His armchair-worthy memoir meets coffee table art book is an honest & fun ride sure to delight every Disney fan!
Movies that Ron features in his book:
Moana (2016)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Treasure Planet (2002)
Hercules (1997)
Aladdin (1992)
The Little Mermaid (1989)
The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
The Fox and the Hound (1981)
Pete's Dragon (1977)
The Rescuers (1977)
Pinocchio (1940)
Ron shares Easter eggs, behind-the-scenes stories & fun facts about:
People who directly worked on & influenced the films
Research trips & selection of artists, voice cast & songwriters in preparation for the films
Screenwriting, character development & world-building processes
From storyboards, technical innovations, voice recording & animation to final frames
Early screenings (reaction to feedback & resulting changes)
Press tours, debuts, receptions, awards seasons & growing the Disney legacy
RON CLEMENTS decided he wanted to be a Disney animator at the age of 9 after seeing a rerelease of Pinocchio (1940) at a local theater in his hometown of Sioux City, Iowa. In 1974, at the age of 20, he was accepted into the recently-established Walt Disney Animation Studios Talent Development program, working under the tutelage of some of Disney’s top animators. He went on to become an animator on The Rescuers (1977), Pete’s Dragon (1977), and The Fox and the Hound (1981); a storyboard artist on The Black Cauldron (1985); codirector The Great Mouse Detective (1986); and in creative partnership with longtime collaborator John Musker, cowrote and codirected The Little Mermaid (1989), Aladdin (1992), Hercules (1997), Treasure Planet (2002), The Princess and the Frog (2009), and Moana (2016).