CLAMP’s classic manga that combines isekai, magical girls, and mecha is getting a brand new anime adaptation in celebration of it’s 30 year anniversary! Originally released in 1993, Magic Knight Rayearth follows three young girls who get transported to a fantasy world and are recruited to avert a calamity with the help of magical powers and gods that take the form of giant transforming robots! This series is perfect for fans of works like Sailor Moon, Escaflowne, and other Clamp works like Cardcaptor Sakura. With it’s last anime adaptation having been in 1997, this upcoming project will be the first new Rayearth anime in over 25 years! If you want to catch up with the manga before the release of the new anime, Kodansha has collected it in its entirety two hardcover box sets, and is currently rereleasing the in paperback volumes.