Thanos Wants Your Infinity Stone in Marvel’s INFINITY WATCH

By Ben Gritz | May 7 2024 | Comics

In recent events the Infinity Stones have found and closely bonded with a number of new up-and-coming Marvel heroes — who now have to contend with an invigorated Thanos and his renewed quest to claim them for his own!

This story is revealed over the course of nine Marvel Annual one-shots releasing this summer, all bearing the “[IW]” identifier in their title.  They feature major Marvel characters encountering these Infinity Stone-bearers, and also features a backup story showing Thanos’ dogged pursuit of the “Death Stone-bearer,” whose identity will be revealed in Thanos Annual #1.

Infinity Watch Checklist

Marvel created the above handy checklist for these titles so you can keep track of the entire event, and I’ve listed the issues below for your ordering benefit.  More are revealed as new catalogs debut.

Read more about this upcoming event at Marvel’s own press release, and the action kicks off in June!

Welcome to INFINITY WATCH! The Annual Event of 2024 starts here as Thanos, after the events of his series, goes off to find the INFINITY STONES! He’s in for a shock when he discovers that the Infinity Stones have been incorporated into actual people like STAR, QUANTUM, OVERTIME, PRINCE OF POWER and MULTITUDE! But wait, there are six Infinity Stones but only five people listed?! You don’t want to miss this Marvel Universe-shaking saga!
$4.99 US
On sale Jun 26, 2024
FOC May 13, 2024
Comic Book
40 Pages
Marvel Universe

"INFINITY WATCH" PART TWO! The TIME STONE BEARER, a.k.a. OVERTIME, takes on SPIDER-MAN! Time travel vs. Spider-Sense! The Infinity Watch grows and the universe is in deep deep trouble… PLUS- THE DEATH STONE BEARER HAS ARRIVED! Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli's Annual-Linking story marches on with more surprises than you can handle!
$4.99 US
On sale Jul 03, 2024
FOC Jun 03, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe

"INFINITY WATCH" PART THREE! Faced with the menace of Utgard and a prophecy of his own doom, the son of Odin sought out the legendary Power Stone to aid his fight. Only two things were in his way. Firstly, the mighty CHAMPION OF THE UNIVERSE - with strength to match Thor's own - was also questing for the stone. Secondly, the Stone is now inside a person - THE PRINCE OF POWER! PLUS, Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli continue the journey of the Death Stone Bearer and the scar it will leave on the universe!
$4.99 US
On sale Jul 17, 2024
FOC Jun 17, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe

"INFINITY WATCH" PART FOUR! Hero or Villain? That's the question Multitude must answer as he stands at the crossroads of his own destiny, bonded to one of the Infinity Stones and brimming with power but no purpose. Will a run-in with Ms. Marvel be enough to tip the scales toward good, or will Multitude's guilt drag him down? Don't miss out as the Marvel Universe-shaking saga continues here, True Believers! PLUS, Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli bring NICK FURY into the story. But what ties him to the INFINITY WATCH?!"
$4.99 US
On sale Jul 31, 2024
FOC Jul 02, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe

"INFINITY WATCH" PART FIVE! WOLVERINE vs. INFINITY WATCH, and the whole world hangs in the balance! Logan's efforts to rescue a community from destruction are upended when the new Infinity Watch crashes into town! The claws come out to protect the innocents, but can even adamantium withstand the raw power of the INFINITY STONES? The best there is must summon the best he's got to survive! PLUS: Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli bring NICK FURY's investigation to a head as he closes in on the Death Stone bearer!
$4.99 US
On sale Aug 14, 2024
FOC Jul 15, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe

"INFINITY WATCH" PART SIX! The Mad Titan THANOS carves a path of destruction to his next doomed target - the current bearer of the MIND STONE! But there's a very big, very green and very, very, VERY angry Hulk standing in Thanos' way. Introducing the master of the Mind Stone - WORLDMIND!
$4.99 US
On sale Aug 28, 2024
FOC Jul 29, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe

“INFINITY WATCH” PART SEVEN! A strange sleepwalking plague has swept through the city and it’s up to Moon Knight to solve the mystery! But when his investigation causes him to clash with one of the newest Infinity Stone Bearers in a previously-unseen adventure, it’ll be all Moon Knight can do to survive the skirmish—let alone try to keep the Mind Stone out of nefarious hands! Strap in, True Believers, things are about to get rocky!
$4.99 US
On sale Sep 04, 2024
FOC Aug 05, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe

"INFINITY WATCH" PART EIGHT! Spider-Boy is juggling being Spider-Man's sidekick, keeping his friends safe and just being a regular kid. But nothing stops him from jumping in when trouble is brewing! This time he's joined by MULTITUDE, who has the Soul Stone, and PRINCE OF POWER, who has the Power Stone (of course!), as they face off against a mysterious evil they vow to stop!
$4.99 US
On sale Sep 18, 2024
FOC Aug 19, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe

"INFINITY WATCH" FINALE! The Infinity Stone bearers are all brought together for the first time! If you thought the stones were dangerous in Thanos' hands, imagine if Star gets her way!
$4.99 US
On sale Sep 25, 2024
FOC Aug 26, 2024
Comic Book
32 Pages
Marvel Universe