Star Trek: Day of Blood Checklist

By Emmanuel Batista | June 14 2023 | Comics

IDW’s first Star Trek crossover, Day of Blood starts in just one month! The crews of both the U.S.S. Theseus, led by Benjamin Sisko, and the U.S.S. Defiant, led by Worf must team up to stop Klingon Emperor Kahless II in his quest to slaughter anyone in the universe who does not follow the Red Path. Star Trek Day of Blood #1 is the first chapter in this epic 5 part crossover between the Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant titles. Want to make sure you don’t miss an issue? Here is a list of the issues in the crossover:



JULY 2023

Star Trek: Day of Blood #1 


Star Trek: Defiant #6

Star Trek #11


Star Trek: Defiant #7

Star Trek #12

DAY OF BLOOD STARTS HERE! As emperor of the Klingon Empire, Kahless II has consolidated power, raided ancient tombs and secret bunkers, taken the power of gods for himself, stolen the Bajoran Orb of Destruction, and has begun a slaughter across the stars.But this genocide of gods was just the beginning. For with the power he has stolen, Kahless is about to declare war on all those who do not follow the Red Path. To prevent genocide unlike any since the ancient days of Qo’noS, the crew of icons led by the emissary known as Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek) and the renegades who follow a desperate and violent Worf (Star Trek: Defiant) must unite for a common cause.Only they can hope to stop the DAY OF BLOOD.From the creative minds behind the hit comics series Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant, Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly (Captain America, and Guardians of the Galaxy), Christopher Cantwell (Namor, and Star Wars: Obi-Wan), and Ramon Rosanas (Star Trek, Marvel’s Star Wars, and The Astonishing Ant-Man), comes IDW’s bold new crossover event!
$5.99 US
On sale Jul 19, 2023
FOC Jun 12, 2023
Comic Book
40 Pages
IDW Publishing

The crossover event between Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant continues here in part two of DAY OF BLOOD! Worf and Sisko begin their trek to Kahless’ spire to stop the false prophet’s siege of Qo’noS with each other being the last man either wants to rely on. Meanwhile, Spock takes the bridge of the Theseus, reuniting with his old friend Captain Montgomery Scott and desperately attempting to keep the Red Path’s Bloodwings at bay.
$4.99 US
On sale Aug 02, 2023
FOC Jun 26, 2023
Comic Book
32 Pages
IDW Publishing

​​The crossover event between Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant continues here in part three of DAY OF BLOOD! Only emissary Sisko and his crew of Starfleet’s finest and disgraced ambassador Worf and his band of insurgents can save the universe. But they are divided in every sense of the word… In space, Lieutenants Paris and Torres fight over control of the Defiant while Spock and Scotty do everything they can to keep the Theseus from being cleaved in two. On the ground, Ro and Sela have given up hope, and siblings Data and Lore can’t see eye to eye—all while their captains resist the urge to tear each other apart. Can they defeat Kahless and his Red Path when they cannot overcome their own differences?
$4.99 US
On sale Aug 23, 2023
FOC Jul 17, 2023
Comic Book
32 Pages
IDW Publishing

Part four of DAY OF BLOOD begins here! Thousands of years ago, Kahless the Unforgettable led his people to glory and raised an empire of honor. But his clone, Kahless II, has gone too far, murdering innocents in cold blood and hungering for power that can no longer be sated by Qo’noS and the Klingon people. He now stands alongside Alexander in front of Worf and Sisko, pitting father and son against each other and making a mockery of the Bajoran Prophets and their emissary. Meanwhile, the power of the Orb of Destruction surges from his ship above. Can Kahless be stopped, or will he once again prove to be the greatest warrior of them all?
$4.99 US
On sale Sep 06, 2023
FOC Jul 31, 2023
Comic Book
32 Pages
IDW Publishing

The crossover event between Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant comes to a thrilling conclusion in part five of DAY OF BLOOD! Using powers bestowed upon him by the Prophets, emissary Benjamin Sisko withstands the god-killing weapon for now, but forces of the Orb of Destruction wear on him with each passing moment. Meanwhile, Worf agonizes over a fatal wound of his own that he can never hope to heal. What will become of our heroes? What will become of the universe? Can the crews of the Theseus and Defiant stop the godkiller once and for all?
$4.99 US
On sale Sep 27, 2023
FOC Aug 21, 2023
Comic Book
32 Pages
IDW Publishing
