GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 – Trailer And Must-Reads!

By Matthew Klein | December 12 2022 | Graphic Novels


All good things come to an end…

The first Guardians of the Galaxy Vo.3 trailer arrived and hints at an epic ending for the James Gunn directed trilogy. As with the final installments of all trilogies, this trailer definitely implies that all bets are off when it comes to the outcomes for our misfit heroes. One thing’s for certain: This film’s set to delve deeper into the origins of our fan-favorite furry scoundrel Rocket Raccoon. PLUS, the trailer provides our first look at the big bad, the High Evolutionary (played by Chukwudi Iwuji) and Adam Warlock (inhabited with appropriately golden sheen by Will Poulter). Warlock’s been hinted at since the Thor: The Dark World post-credits scene way back in Phase 2 of the MCU, so this is indeed an amazing payoff for longtime viewers.

The Guardians are back, baby! While there’s definitely sneak peeks at some potential tough and tragic events, there’s still the unbelievable chemistry between the main cast, callbacks to earlier films, and plenty of fan service for fans of the comics. This will be James Gunn’s swan song with the MCU and it looks like the Guardians will be saving the galaxy one more time with a bang! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 blasts into theatres on May 3, 2023.

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